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“BTTS reminds us of ourselves in that they are forward thinking and respected in their industry,” said Stephen Gatlin, founder of Fort Worth-based Gatlin Education Services. Gatlin Education Services announced today it has reached an agreement with Brooke Transportation Training Solutions (BTTS) to begin offering a freight broker / freight agent online career training course beginning this fall. Brooke Transportation Training Solutions (BTTS) prides itself in delivering the nation’s premier freight broker training. Freight brokerage is an ideal business for truck drivers who want to advance in the industry, entrepreneurs in search of a profitable home business and military veterans, who are provided government subsidies to take the training. If you’re a self-starter who enjoys fast-paced work, you’re perfect for freight brokering. Designed by successful freight brokers, the course prepares students to be the dealmaker between manufacturers who need goods moved and truckers who can move those goods. The program will provide students with the necessary skills to succeed in the freight brokerage and logistics business.

Gatlin’s online career training courses are designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional caliber positions for many in-demand occupations. Gatlin’s courses are open enrollment, allowing interested students to start their desired training immediately. Some Smell Money Business investors are interested in helping start new online institutions to tap into the growing market, says Mr. Goldstein. There’s financial aid and scholarships available; and, the distance learning programs are open to both U.S. Mr. Goldstein says. “A lot of people have felt that their hands were tied.” Institutions are likely to either expand their current online offerings significantly or spin off established online programs as independent institutions. Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, a California Republican who is chairman of the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees higher education, says the 50-percent rule is unnecessary because accrediting agencies are capable of controlling fraud. With the 50-percent rule on its way out, colleges are likely to ramp up their online offerings, and investors could spend big money creating new for-profit online colleges. He noted that Global Education Network, a for-profit venture, also offers noncredit online courses partly developed by college professors, but its clientele includes high-school students.

Supporters say the move will spark a boom in online programs at traditional colleges, as well as the creation of for-profit businesses specializing in cybereducation, while critics argue that it will lead to an increase in diploma mills. The online and traditional campuses offer their own separate academic programs and are accredited by different regional agencies, but they are run as one organization, partly to satisfy the 50-percent rule. Many Democrats oppose loosening those rules, including the 50-percent standard. William J. Husson, vice president and academic dean of the School for Professional Studies at Regis University, says the institution’s online program is growing at a rapid rate, and he expects Regis to pass the 50-percent mark within five years. Just a few years ago, about 17 percent of Regis’s enrollment was through online education. 697-million in additional loans over 10 years. The debate over the rule in Congress has largely broken down along party lines.

The Department of Education has supported ending the 50-percent rule, arguing in an April report to Congress that ditching the rule would increase accessibility to higher education. Michael B. Goldstein, a higher-education lawyer in Washington, says colleges are anxious to increase their online offerings now that the 50-percent rule is going away. Many small colleges are in financial trouble, and it will be difficult for them to stay afloat without aggressively moving online. Then Continuing Education in Cosmetology also helps you stay updated about the industry trends. Online education is entering the mainstream, according to some higher education analysts, and its growing popularity with employers is part of the reason. Employers can be able to save themselves from a negligent hiring lawsuit. They even offer degrees for all kinds of stuff and just about anything that you could learn in college you can also learn on the Internet in your own home and save yourself quite a bit of money.

If we talk about India, online education schools are getting popularity but online home school is not prominent here. Nowadays, a growing number of students also favor for online IT courses as it helps the student to get the wisdom of the computer from his home. This method allows the student to get a DVD repair service degree without ever having to step inside of a class. Having a transcript of each lesson is fabulous for helping you retain information and I don’t know why Pimsleur doesn’t provide this. There are many people who know reading and writing of English but find it difficult to speak while communicating with others. A cautionary note – some boaters never bother to learn the road rules and some just refuse to obey them so, although it’s vital that YOU know and obey them, always remember rule number 1, avoid collision. But some critics fear that Congress may be going too far in relaxing the rule and could open the door to more of the fraud and abuse that led to the passing of the regulation in the first place.